Welcome to Central Psychotherapy.
If you are trying to find a therapist in Manchester, a Manchester Counsellor or Counselling in the North West, you have come to the right place.
Perhaps you’re looking for help with your relationship, coping with bereavement or finding a different way of managing and dealing with the challenges you face then please read on.
Below you can find information about Central Psychotherapy. Click here to find out more About Me.
About My Practice
If you are looking to find a therapist in Manchester, I can offer you a different way of managing and dealing with the challenges you face. Hurt from the past or fear of the future can only find resolution in the present – this is where your resources lie. Counselling can help identify and develop these resources and change your relationship to the problems you are experiencing.
Whether life feels great or challenging, full of friends or isolating, there are times when we feel the need for a space to explore what can feel inexpressible. Counselling is not a substitute for the relationships you may have, but an opportunity to have a neutral listener, uninvolved in the consequences and context of your life.
Time for you. A space, a chance to reflect, pause, and consider. To experience and process thoughts, events, hopes and anxieties. To hear yourself and be heard. To understand and be understood in a contained, supporting and safe relationship.
What is most important to you is most important to me. Though I work with all issues from depression, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, bereavement and stress, I also have specific specialisms around young people, chronic physical and mental health conditions, asylum, violence, sexuality and discrimination.
There are different approaches to therapy based on different ideas of personal development and understanding of how change occurs and this can appear daunting and confusing. It is important to get what’s right for you. Most therapists will be happy to explain their way of working to help you make an informed decision.
A good rule of thumb is that therapists with greater experience generally have more in common with how they work, regardless of discipline, then with less experienced therapists of the same discipline. In all therapy, the quality of the relationship with you is key.


“It sounds odd but I feel uncomfortable in a good way, like something has happened. I’ve been to therapists before and come away feeling nothing, wondering why I’d gone.”

“…you wrap me gently against the cold and stride beside me as I gallop ahead not looking for the fall.”

“I don’t know how to thank you enough. My life was over and I never thought I would get it back. There are still struggles but I have a life again.”

“Thank you for being a wonderful supervisor…you helped me grow and reach for the light when all I could see was dark clouds. I couldn’t have been where I am without your support.”

“I didn’t expect that to come out…thank you for helping me function.”

“I’ve left…where you were my supervisor from 2012 to 2015 and am working part-time as a counsellor at University. I still miss our supervision sessions – they were really challenging but so helpful!”

“The subject was challenging and made me reflect a lot on myself and my practice with vulnerable clients. It was delivered in an accessible and supportive style and I can’t wait to apply what I’ve learnt.”

“Thank you for being a great supervisor! I have really appreciated your perspective…quite different from other inputs I’ve been getting which has admittedly made things tricky! But I feel like you’ve kept me in touch with what is really important and am very glad I’ve had this experience.”

“I feel I am finally really making progress and I think it’s thanks to you I can see the causes of my problems.”

“With you my supervision was different, I learned so much and felt so inspired.”

“It was so helpful and showed me a way how to survive the pressure. With that help I was able to get my work to make reasonable adjustments which they had been reluctant to do.”

“I still remember some key things we explored in our supervision sessions which have informed my practice as an integrative therapist with a strong person-centered core base. “